Some tips to succeed in one of the biggest marketplaces in the world
We all know Facebook, it has been one of the biggest social networks in the world for more than a decade and probably most of us have a profile on it. Some years ago, they decided to dabble in a new world inside the internet: Marketplace. As with most of the big decisions they make, they have been doing it well taking into account that millions of people use it everyday to buy and sell many different products. That’s enough reason to learn some tips about how to sell on Facebook Marketplace, and do it well.
Facebook Marketplace main benefits
First of all, it is free. Not many marketplaces can boast this benefit. Most of them usually charge you a fee in terms of commission in each sale, about 10%. However, in this case the whole money is for you. Plus, as well as it works in traditional Facebook ads, you can reach either a massive target or a specific one that the platform knows is interested in what your products are. The most you publish, the most people will see you. This is because the platform considers you an active seller and positions you in the main pages. As Facebook is a social network, communication is basic and buyers can ask you any doubt or you can talk with them when you need to.
What do you need to sell in Facebook Marketplace?
Obviously, you must have a Facebook profile. Nowadays it is unusual to meet someone who doesn’t but it is necessary to clear out anyway. Either you have a personal profile or a company one, don’t forget to update photos and information given that the platform shows your profile to the purchaser. If you want to catch more people than any other competitor, try to take the best photos in town for your product, even, if you have the chance, hire a professional photographer. The better photos, the better reach. Once you have both things, it’s time to publish. Is actually really intuitive. You have to go to the Marketplace tab and select “item for sale”, then you upload your photos (up to ten for each item) and finally, write the information. Title, price, category, condition, detailed description and location. You also have the chance to hide it from your Facebook friends and to make a real and paid ad out of it if you want.
Post posting it
Last but not least. Be really aware of the questions, comments and purchases you may receive. The process is not done until the shopper has the product. Most people expect an answer as soon as possible, if not they would look for another place to buy, be quick. Also, keep in touch once they have the product in case there is some problem or just to receive good feedback. This will improve your reputation as a seller.